Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Last week...

we went to WASHINGTON!!!
We hadn't been since last July, and the boys were really missing their Aunties, Uncles, and cousins. Since Ryan had the week off of preschool and Grandma Patti, Tanner and Harrison did as well, we decided to make the trip up for a much needed visit! We spent the first night reacquainting by playing the Wii...
playing together in the playroom...
and reading books together!!!
I love this one of Piper and Austin!!!
Auntie Kirstin made the boys some adorable pirate outfits and gave them these fun swords! Austin loved being a pirate...
as did Ryan! He of course had to test it out on Harrison!
Thank you Auntie!!! The boys LOVE their new toys and outfits!!!
The next night Grandma, Ryan, Austin and I went to watch...
Grandpa Ben play volleyball and Justin got to join the team for the night!
They had a lot of fun together and nearly beat the #1 team in the league!!!
Ryan also discovered Grandpa's airplane in the garage and begged to fly it! It's too complicated for him to do, but Grandpa, Ryan and Justin got to spend an afternoon out flying the airplane!
This is just the beginning of the fun we had on our trip, so check back later to see what other fun we had!


..Kris Naven.. said...

You got some GREAT pictures! How fun! I can't wait to see the rest! It looks like you guys had a blast!