I don't know how it happened, but somehow my baby boy is 6 years old today!!! Time has sure flown since the day Ryan joined our family!
We sure LOVE this face!!!
Ryan is such a sweetheart and we love him so much! At 6 years old Ryan...
1. loves planes, trains, trucks, cars, basically anything that goes!
2. plays 20 questions without even realizing it! (He is so curious and asks questions about everything)
3. gives the best hugs, when he really wants to!
4. is learning to read and sounds out words all the time!
5. instigates problems with Austin, and Daddy and Mommy just to laugh about it (usually annoying, but funny after).
6. plays soccer and is getting better every day! (Scored 3 goals in his last game on Friday, October 14th)
7. makes the cutest pouty face, which he really needs to grow out of!
8. loves learning about Jesus and his gospel, then teaches us all about it!
9. is such a worry wart! He is so concerned about everyone and everything all the time.
Happy Birthday Ryan!!! We love you so much and can't wait to see what the next year holds in store for you!!!
1. loves planes, trains, trucks, cars, basically anything that goes!
2. plays 20 questions without even realizing it! (He is so curious and asks questions about everything)
3. gives the best hugs, when he really wants to!
4. is learning to read and sounds out words all the time!
5. instigates problems with Austin, and Daddy and Mommy just to laugh about it (usually annoying, but funny after).
6. plays soccer and is getting better every day! (Scored 3 goals in his last game on Friday, October 14th)
7. makes the cutest pouty face, which he really needs to grow out of!
8. loves learning about Jesus and his gospel, then teaches us all about it!
9. is such a worry wart! He is so concerned about everyone and everything all the time.
Happy Birthday Ryan!!! We love you so much and can't wait to see what the next year holds in store for you!!!
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