Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Graduate!!!

On May 18th, Ryan graduated from Lions N' Lambs Preschool! He was sooooo excited and had been practicing his songs for weeks! He couldn't wait for Nana, Papa and Auntie Natalie to come too!After getting seats for everyone, Ryan went to his room and got all ready for graduation!

The Graduate!!! Walking onto the stage!We were sitting pretty far away, so the zoom isn't very clear, but Ryan had a lot of fun dancing and singing during the performance!After some adorable songs, each student was announced then walked across the stage to get their "diploma." Anxiously waiting for his name to be said!Mrs. Ribota, Ryan and Mrs. Brannon!Showing off his "diploma!"Austin totally wanted in on the fun too!Auntie Natalie, Nana, Papa, Ryan and Austin!Papa with his boys!Mommy and Daddy with their sweet little graduate!With little brother too!I can't believe that we are at this point! My sweet little boy is old enough to move onto kindergarten and go to big school every day?! It excites me to see where life will take him and to watch him learn and grow, but it saddens me to think that he will no longer be my buddy every day and here in my home. I can't go back now, and I can't keep him small forever! It truly does feel like he was just a little baby that I was rocking to sleep and didn't want to put down. Now he hugs me, then runs away to play. As long as I keep getting those hugs, I can appreciate and accept this step we are taking in life! We are so proud of you Ryan! Here we come kindergarten!!!! You are getting the sweetest, smartest, cutest, and brightest boy around!


Peterson Family said...

Love the little Tie! I can relate to the mix of emotions about the ending of preschool era and onto kindergarten :(