Could he be any cuter? We joke that we have such a cute little boy, how could this next one even compare! We know that he will be just as cute and great as Ryan is!
Justin and I met in July of 2001 at school in Idaho, fell in love, and were married December 28, 2002 for time and for all eternity in the Oakland LDS Temple. After finishing school Ryan Michael came to us on October 18, 2005. He brought us so much happiness, we of course had to add another. Austin John then joined our family on March 6, 2008 giving us two little angels. We are truly grateful for all of the blessings that are ours!
Holy Moly he is cute!!! He could be one on mine! ;)
I thought the same thing too, and both of my boys are adorable, you will think the same thing about the next one I promise! :)
I have to agree---he is toooo cute!! And what a smile---it makes my heart melt!!!!
love you all
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