Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Austin loved...

getting as dirty as possible, but that doesn't surprise anyone does it!?! His favorite thing was the beach! He of course couldn't bend over or even move with his life jacket on, so we spent much of our time on the beach watching him like a hawk so he could play in the dirt!
Something else that will surprise you; when he wasn't getting dirty, he was getting into everything! Trying things on...
...climbing on things...
...and touching things he shouldn't touch!!!
I can't really complain though, overall he was pretty good! That just might have something to do with the fact that he was afraid of the water and it was within feet of every direction that he headed.


Steve and Ash said...

Man!!! I miss the Lake!!! Is it next summer yet...???? Hopefully we will make it next year!!! Love ya!

..Kris Naven.. said...

Austin is so cute, and he is looking so much more like Ryan each and every day! I love how your blog always tells a story! Love you guys! ;)