Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Neglected :(

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while and have been neglecting updating you all, but it's for good reason! A reason I have neglected posting about and avoided, but feel now I should share.

Long story short, we've moved and are selling our home! It's been difficult for me to stomach as it was our first home that we worked hard to buy and make our own, but it needed to happen!

Happy part of the story, we've been fortunate enough to buy a new home that fits us well and has begun to feel like home very quickly! We've decided as long as we're together, healthy, and the spirit is here, we can make any house our home!

So, the new scenery in our pictures and posts isn't your imagination, it's our new "heaven on earth!"


..Kris Naven.. said...

We are happy everything went smoothly with the move! We are glad you are enjoying your new home, and it is true- you can make any house your home! :)

..Kris Naven.. said...

Oh ya, and if you still want some help watching the boys, or late night painting just let me know! Love you!