We believe that families can be together for eternity, not just while here on earth. Through the Sealing Powers of the Priesthood, a family can be sealed and bound together forever by the ordinances performed in the temple. This can be done as a couple unites in marriage, later in life, or by proxy after death.
This past weekend, my family celebrated a very joyous event as we met at the Sacramento LDS Temple!

My Grandpa
Callaway went to the temple for the first time on Friday evening, and was sealed to my Grandmother the following day! Immediately following their sealing, they were sealed to my Mom (Dena), my Uncle Mark, my Aunt Karen, and my Uncle Christopher who passed on as an infant and for whom my dad acted in proxy. What a way to celebrate your 51st Wedding Anniversary!!!

I am so grateful for my Grandparents, the example they are, and the strength they have always been! It was truly an AMAZING day and one I will never forget!
Uncle Dean, Grandpa Lowell, Aunt
Velda, Uncle Del, Aunt
Nydadel, Aunt Mary
(My Grandpa and all of his siblings who were there to celebrate with us!)

My Grandma's two living brothers Uncle Steve and Uncle Bill were able to attend as well, but I unfortunately never got a picture of them.
That is SOOOO Awesome!!! xoxox
Wow that sounds like an amazing experience!
i am so excited about this!! go unlce lowell!!
That is so wonderful! I am so happy for your family! :)
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