Three BYU-I graduates!!! Ash, Meg and I!!!

Posted by The Drinkwater Family at 9:00 AM 4 comments
Ryan, Austin and Mary!
Austin was infatuated with her hair and kept trying to wrap his fingers in it! Little Stinker! Ryan played a lot with his cousins and made friends with the grooms little boys. They all sat at a table together, and Ryan told everyone they were having a "Kids Party!" He's enjoying getting to be a big boy and experience a bit more freedom and Independence!
After some food, they enjoyed dancing up on the stage and had a great time!!!
The following day was a blistering 106 degrees, so we headed out to the lake! The boys had a great time playing in the sand...
...and in the water!!!
Austin wouldn't go into the water unless I was with him! It felt so good!
He finally went in with Daddy, and Auntie Ashley!
Our little family!!!
Papa was there with the boat and was taking trips out on the lake with some of the family that was in town for the wedding, so the boys patiently waited for their turn! Once it came, Ryan was soooooo excited to go tubing and talked Austin and Uncle Trevor into coming with him!
No surprise, Ryan had a ball!!! Austin's little head was bouncing around like a bobble-head doll, so I had my dad stop so we could take him off. Let's just say, Austin was NOT HAPPY with Mommy!!! He wanted back on the tube! So, after a short ride for Ryan and Trev, Austin and Mommy jumped on with Ryan! We had a lot of fun and nearly fell off several times! My boys are so adorable and fearless!!!
Posted by The Drinkwater Family at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Drinkwater Family at 8:33 AM 2 comments