The week of July 5th-July 10th we enjoyed some time at my most favorite place on earth...
Lake Powell!!!

We had a GREAT time and did a lot of AMAZING things!!!
...THE TOYS...
Ryan loved playing on the jet ski and would ride around in circles for hours if we let him.
Justin did ride around on his jet ski for hours and had a lot of fun!
His partners in crime Trevor and Steve!!!
Everyone loved cruisin' around in the boat! The boys had to go out often and even went fishing a few times!
The boys loved playing in the sand with their cousins or anyone else who would join them! Austin especially loved it and would put sand in anything! Cups, buckets, shoes, on the jet ski, anywhere!
Ryan played in the sand often, but enjoyed spending more time in the water!
The kiddos thought it was fun to climb onto the tubes and pretend they were pirates! It was fun to watch them all play together!
Ryan loved playing on the jet ski and would ride around in circles for hours if we let him.

The boys loved playing in the sand with their cousins or anyone else who would join them! Austin especially loved it and would put sand in anything! Cups, buckets, shoes, on the jet ski, anywhere!


Thank you Grandpa and Grandma for an AMAZING trip!!!
Papa with his boys!
Mommy and Ryan being silly!
Papa and Austin
Austin learned how to swim, with his life jacket on, but was able to keep his feet underwater and stay afloat! It was really nice and made it easier to swim and enjoy the trip! He was adorable! He would say to everyone, "I swim like a big boy!"

Austin couldn't keep his focus on fishing and lasted for about a minute.
Ryan did a little bit longer!
He was a pretty successful fisherman! Every time a fish would bite, he would immediately start crying and yelling "Help!!!" Once we were able to calm him down he was able to reel the fish in. Luckily, his fish all lived and were successfully released back into the water, unlike last year!
Ryan, Daddy and Austin with his catfish!!!

Ryan, Daddy and Austin with his catfish!!!

Ryan loved tubing!!! He cracks me up, because he's so fearless when it comes to some things and tubing is one of them! One time while tubing he hit a jump and flew 6 feet in the air and landed on the other tube. It didn't scare him at all! Crazy kid!!!
The first time I went and watched...

...but I eventually got on with him and had a lot of fun!!!
The bigger kids were playing musical tubes and ended up in a pile on one!
All of the little kids! 

While cruising in the little boat one of the days, Justin came across and met some people who were parked behind us on the other side of the hill. He and Big Ryan helped them get a rope they wanted off of a cliff, so they offered for him to come and try out this giant water slide they built. So, he and the boys took them up on their offer!
Ryan and Daddy

Daddy and Austin

Ryan loved it, but Austin wasn't so sure!

Our final night out on the lake, it's sort of become a tradition to have a dance party on top of the boat. The kids were a crack up to watch!

We definitely learned that Austin has his Dad's dancing skills and rhythm. He would just spin in circles, then abruptly stop and kick one leg a few times, then start over. Austin and Sydney really put on a show for all of us!
We LOVE our time with family no matter where we are at, but Lake Powell is amazing and makes it that much more enjoyable!!! We have been so lucky to enjoy many of things we have because of them, and we love them sooooo much! On our last night on the boat, I was walking through and found Ryan laying with his Great Grandpa Callaway, my Grandpa! It was so sweet! He was telling Grandpa everything he had been doing at the lake and what his favorite things to do were! (It was tubing in case anyone was wondering!)

thats looks so amazing! i wish my family had a tradition like that.
That is so awesome! And I LOVE the pics! I wish you would have video taped the dance party- I'm sure it was a crack up! I'm so glad you guys had a blast! :)
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