Monday, October 4, 2010

Randomness, Rides & Rodeos!!!

The boys had a great time, as usual, while we were at the fair!!! I guess they grew tired of the cows and pigs, because they were truly fascinated by the goats!
One of them thought it was fun to nibble on Ryan's ears!
Austin in particular was entranced by these things! He would sweet talk anyone he could to take him to see the goats!
This was HILARIOUS!!! Austin insisted upon bringing a little stuffed pig with us to the fair. Although I fought with him on it, I've learned to choose my battles with this stubborn little boy, and decided to let him bring it. After watching all of the kids show the swine, he decided it was his turn. He found a stick, set his piggy down on all fours, and was trying to make him walk. It was sooooo funny! The poor piggy left the fair brown rather than its original pink color, but it kept Austin occupied!
While we were at the fair, we found some pony rides that were free! The boys LOVED them and had a great time!
Austin got to ride "Shorty," who was the slowest one of the bunch. He was slowing everyone down, so the guys got him going. He started to trot around the ring, and Austin wasn't sure what to think at first, but ended up giggling as he ran around.Ryan got one of the bigger horses and would wave at everyone he rode past!
Later that day we hit up some of the rides and the boys had a great time. Austin wanted to stick to the smaller rides, so I took him on some of his favorites while Nana took Ryan to ride the big rides. Ryan loved these race cars and the fact that he could drive all by himself! Since Trevor and Aubrey did so well, they got to participate in the "Parade of Champions" Saturday, September 11th at the rodeo. We didn't want to miss it, so we got tickets. While we were waiting, they announced that all kids ages 3-10 needed to come into the arena for the "Coin Dig." I had no idea what it entailed, but Ryan wanted to participate so we headed in. The kids were instructed to get into a bit circle, face the outside and cover their eyes. They then threw silver dollars all around inside of the circle and on the count of three the kids could turn around and find as many as they wanted. Ryan and several others came away with nothing and were very disappointed, to say the least! Tears dripping down his face he said to me, "Mom, I didn't know what I was looking for!" I felt really bad for him, especially as I looked at all of the 8,9, and 10 year old kids walking away with four of five silver dollars. As we walked back to our seats, one sweet little girl saw him crying and gave him one of hers. I started to cry as I thanked her. People really do care about others! It doesn't always seem so these days! He was happier then, but still crying because he didn't get to find one.
After we were back in our seats, many of the 4H and FFA kids came out with a giant American Flag! It was beautiful as we enjoyed a moment of silence on the 9 year anniversary of the day we were attacked! Not a dry eye as we enjoyed our country's National Anthem!!!
Let the bull riding begin!After the bull riding, they brought out this giant teeter-totter, and put a cowboy on each side. Ryan wanted one really bad, so he told me Santa would get one for him. That is until they let the bull out and it knocked them all off quickly. He then went back on that choice for a Christmas present. We had a great time at the fair!