Thursday, March 12, 2009

My son is such a...


Ryan's new favorite snack is Fruit By The Foot, which we've never actually purchased until recently. Yesterday he was relentless in asking for his "Fruit roll up" for every meal and every hour in between. By 4:00 PM, he was no longer having the "you've already had one today" and "It's almost dinner time" responses which turned into repeated timeouts from tantrums requesting "fruit roll ups."

Fast forward to 5:00 PM. Justin comes home from work and heads up to our bedroom where the boys and I were. Ryan proceeds to pull Daddy into the hallway and locks Austin and I into the bedroom. Here's the best part, this is word for word what he says to Justin.

"Okay Daddy, here's the deal. Mommy is being rude and won't let me have a fruit roll up. Soooo, you go downstairs and get me one! Okay? Okay!"
Did I mention he's a stinker?!?


..Kris Naven.. said...

That is so hilarious!!! I love the "Here's the deal" part! What did Justin get out of it? :)

marymary said...

Hilarious! Right now with Adam, it's not fruit roll ups, it's movies/wii/computer. He's allowed an hour a day, and he starts asking first thing in the morning, and we're doing the whole tears/tantrums/timeouts thing here too. Not fun. Didn't know he had a little cousin doing the same thing a couple of states away. Maybe it's the age?

BrieAnn said...

So stinking funny! Atleast he was honest with Justin and told him you wouldn't let him have one. Though I do think that locking you and austin in the room might have tipped Justin off that something was up. Little kids say some of the funniest things! Good luck with the fruit roll-up battle. :)

Jazz Joyner Livingston said...

I love how he used the word RUde, what kid says rude? Isn't it usually mean or something like that, you have a literate genius on your hands watch out!