Saturday, January 2, 2010

Merry Christmas 2009!!!

We just can't believe how fast this Christmas season came and went! We had a GREAT Christmas holiday and enjoyed our boys and this stage to the fullest!
Santa definitely visited us this year! We woke the boys up and brought them down stairs. Ryan was pretty excited because he knew what day it was and who had come, but Austin was just mad at first! So excited to see what Santa brought!!! We started off the morning by checking out our stockings!Austin and his new "cars shoes" aka slippers! Next we had our traditional Christmas breakfast... before heading off to open presents! They were so good and would wait their turn and help each other clean up after opening each gift! Austin thought opening presents was so much fun! He would admire each gift until it was his turn again... when he would then carefully remove each piece of paper from that present. He was a lot of fun this year! Ryan was so excited for Santa to come and has given him credit for every gift! Apparently Mom and Dad got him nothing for Christmas! But, he is at such a fun age and was very patient in waiting for his turn each time. As soon as we were done opening our gifts, we picked a few to take with us, loaded up into the car and headed off to Loomis! We got to Nana and Papa's house just in time to join in the Christmas fun with everyone! Our Christmas morning photo since we didn't get one at our house!Ryan had a great time helping Papa pass the presents out to everyone, and Austin had a fun time helping everyone open their presents until his nap time!
Spoiled boys got this fun new wagon from Nana and Papa along with some other fun things!After all of that excitement we made one last house call to Great Grandma and Great Papa Schmmidt's house! Austin loved this little Elf that he found the week before when we were there and went right back to it on Christmas!
They also had a lot of fun playing with all of their cousins, like they always do!We hope everyone had as great of a Christmas as we did! But,ours didn't stop there! Check back later for the day after Christmas party with the Callaway family!


Brooke said...

Austin's face in the first picture is awesome! I love that he was mad. Looks like you had a fun Christmas.

Peterson Family said...

so cute!! Cole got that same truck from Santa??

..Kris Naven.. said...

What cute pitures! It looks and sounds like you guys had a great time! Ollie got that Rocky truck too, it is really cool, and funny! And I love your Dad's superman jammies! Haha! I suprisingly don't have that pair! :) Anyways, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!