Austin is quite the good little eater! We started feeding him rice cereal about 2 weeks ago and introduced oatmeal soon after. He now seems to think he can eat whatever he wants. He is already reaching for every one's food and will try to pull our plates closer to himself every chance he gets. He's such a cute little stinker!

oh he is soo cute! I cant wait to see him this weekend!! He looks so cute in the "bum bum"
So cute! He looks like a little chunker in this picture! Was it before or after you fed him! Lol! He's so adorable!
he's getting really fat. maybe he should lay off the rice ceral for a while....
just kidding, he's so cute i wuv him.
Jack is the same way! He has started whimpering when we eat in front of him. Oh and pictures at Lake Powell in December would probably looked about the same. You just would have been a little colder!
Austin is so cute!! Megan told me you had a blog and so i thought i would look at yours! its way cute! your family is so darling! Megan is so excited for you guys to come this weekend! I will prolly see you!! hope your having a great summer Krista!
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